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ONE5 account

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Create your account to unlock a world of opportunities

  • Find Jobs That Match Your Profile automatically, without needing to search endlessly.
  • Set Your Salary and Job Preferences and let us do the rest.
  • Apply with Ease to the roles that interest you the most, or let us match you to the best fit.
  • Manage Your Profile and applications effortlessly from our user-friendly dashboard.
  • Email *
    Password *
    Confirm Password *
    Full Name *

    Enter your complete name, including first and last name.

    Current/Desired Job Title *

    Please specify your current job title.

    CV Attachment *

    Upload file .pdf, .doc, .docx

    Current Country of Residence *

    Enter or select your country of residence.

    Gender *

    Please select your gender from the options below

    Phone/WhatsApp Number *

    Enter your primary contact number, including the country code, where you can be reached via phone or WhatsApp.

    Languages Spoken *

    List the languages you are fluent in, starting with your strongest language.

    Preferred Job Roles *

    Choose the job roles or job categories you are interested in applying or being considered for from the list below.

    Minimum Salary Expectation *

    Indicate the minimum salary amount you would consider for pursuing a Job.

    Salary Type/Frequency *

    In relation to the Minimum Salary Expectation

    Nationality *

    Your Nationality as indicated on your Passport

    Notice Period *

    If the interviews are successful, how soon would you be able to start?

    Not Looking for a Job but Know Someone who is?
    Earn 1000 AED for Every Referred Candidate Who Gets Hired.

    Turn your network into cash by referring candidates and earning rewards when they get placed in a job.

    • 1000 AED for every referred candidate who completes their probation period.
    • Your personal referral link is available in the User Dashboard after completing registration.
    • Only referrals made through your personal link are eligible.
    • No limits on the number of successful referrals you can make!
    • Terms and Conditions apply – available in the User Dashboard
    Start earning today! Complete your profile and access your referral link to begin referring candidates.